Surgical Prices
Pricing Information
Orthopaedic & Spine of Southern Colorado offers pricing information for its procedures to assist patients in making informed financial decisions regarding their health care.
Bundle Rates
Bundled rates are simply single, lump-sum payment amounts that cover fees charged by the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and surgery center. Our bundle rates help eliminate various unforeseen costs to self-insured employers and patients. Our goal is to help patients understand the cost for the services they will receive, before they have surgery.
Transparent Pricing
In compliance with Colorado’s Transparency in Healthcare Pricing Act of 2017, our procedure price disclosures help patients better understand prices for orthopaedic surgical procedures. If you are scheduled for surgery at our facility and we are filing insurance for you, the prices listed on this website do not apply to you.
We accept cash, check, money order, debit, and credit card.